
有什么问题没回答吗? 让优胜客体育知道. 在线提交问题 或者给优胜客体育打电话.

  • 简而言之,优胜客体育做了Uber/Lyft不可能做的事情保证 你的服务在当时,在 车辆,你的要求. That is to say that we’re different from those services in several ways:

    • 优胜客体育的司机是员工,不是分包商. 优步是一个由子公司或独立司机组成的网络. FreedomCar拥有优胜客体育自己的一切 车辆 雇佣优胜客体育自己的人 工作人员. 你拥有所有权, 你可以控制质量, 安全和保护你的乘客. 你有独立的分包商吗, 你损害了你管理质量控制的能力, 一致性, 保险和设备维修.
    • FreedomCar只接受预订. FreedomCar is for planned needs, where a 车辆’s arrival at a given time is essential. 这个区别很关键. 优胜客体育是 可靠的 预订选择. Uber/Lyft began as on-dem和 services 和 evolved to include “schedule ahead” service. 然而,他们不能保证你的乘坐. (来源: 超级常见问题解答 页……”Scheduling a ride in advance does not 保证 you’ll be connected with a driver.FreedomCar的商业模式提供了可靠性, 一致性, safety 和 quality of service that Uber’s 业务 model cannot match.
    • 在FreedomCar,你可以直接与车主交谈. 作为一家本地拥有和经营的公司 家族企业,共同创始人 马克Thistel 和 Robyne莱尔斯 都在现场并且可用, highly engaged with the day-to-day operations to ensure quality service 和 the satisfaction of all passengers. 你总是可以 联系 如果需要,直接找老板.


    FreedomCar不是“共享经济”的一部分.” We’re part of what we like to call the “Responsible Economy” with the infrastructure 和 the insurance to take responsibility for what we do.

    当你打电话给优胜客体育时,优胜客体育会接电话. 如果有问题,优胜客体育可以解决. 当你和优胜客体育说话的时候, 你在和真实的人说话, 谁是当地社区的真正成员, sitting in a real office at nearly any hour you could possibly need us, 24/7/365.

    All of this can mean higher costs (sometimes) 和 a little more planning ahead, 和 that’s the trade-off consumers face when comparing transportation service options.

  • There is no specific requirement, although we recommend 1-3 days in advance. 如果您需要更长的工作时间或多辆车, best to give us a bit more notice than usual so we can do everything we can to accommodate your travel needs. 优胜客体育会尽快回复你的要求, please underst和 that we’re not like a cab service nor are we a network of app-based subcontractors. 为了获得最佳的FreedomCar体验,一个小小的通知会有很长的路要走.

  • 优胜客体育从早上7点半到晚上7点半都在办公室.m. – 6:00 p.m.   在这段时间内,您不会得到应答服务. 优胜客体育是来接你电话的…亲自来.  下午6点以后.m., please send in a request via our website for all non-urgent issues or reservations needed more than 24 hours in advance.  This allows our manager on evening duty to focus on emerging issues 和 last minute requests.

  • 经理们值班到下午6点.m. 一周七天. 优胜客体育可以回答问题,在那之前接受预约. 下午6点以后.m.优胜客体育的夜班经理在办公室一直工作到晚上10点.m.  Please send in a request via our website for all non-urgent issues or reservations needed more than 24 hours in advance.  This allows our manager on evening duty to focus on emerging issues 和 last minute requests. 晚上10点以后.m. 在7:30之前.m. 所有来电均由值班的资深司机接听. They will refer non-urgent issues to management for a response during office hours. They can h和le urgent matters immediately as necessary (for example, if you don’t see your driver).

  • 优胜客体育接受所有主要的信用卡. 优胜客体育也可以寄账单给你,如果你建立一个 业务 or 个人 与优胜客体育结帐.

    优胜客体育不接受现金或任何其他形式的车内付款. 优胜客体育的司机 do not carry change 和 part of the freedom of Freedomcar is that there are no financial transactions in the 车辆, 这样你就可以专心享受这段旅程了.


  • We appreciate that you asked, but we don’t accept tips for any of our services. 优胜客体育的司机 员工的工资能维持生活吗, so the best gratuity you can give them is to express your satisfaction with their services when you get your emailed receipt (which offers an opportunity to review the service). The best way to thank us as a group is to refer us to a friend or associate.

    Accolades do affect our employees’ bonus pay, so feel free to call or 给优胜客体育写信 有了你的评论!

  • 请参阅优胜客体育的 支付信息 获取基于不同服务类型的深入答案. 简短的回答? 优胜客体育尽量做到灵活.

  • 请参阅优胜客体育的 疾病的政策 如果你生病或感觉不舒服.

  • 优胜客体育的司机和优胜客体育的车辆一样容易辨认. 对于所有机场接机,优胜客体育会开一张 在接你之前打个电话或发个短信 identifying your driver, pickup location 和 relevant 联系 information.


    巴尔的摩/华盛顿国际机场(BWI) >
    华盛顿杜勒斯国际机场(IAD) >
    里根国家公司(DCA) >

    For the following airports, we’ll coordinate pickup locations when we book your reservation:
    •约翰•F. 肯尼迪国际机场(JFK)

  • 请致电 (410) 321-5600. We’ll answer your call 24 hours/day, 和 connect you with your driver immediately. We don’t want you waiting or searching through the airport in an attempt to find your driver when he or she is probably just feet away in a crowded environment.

  • 你想走多远优胜客体育就送你多远. Common requests include New York City, New Engl和, Virginia, Washington D.C.,并指向西方. For trips that exceed 250 miles one way, special per diem rates apply.

  • 优胜客体育的舰队是优胜客体育最好的特色之一. 每辆车都是新购买的,车龄不到3年. 您可以期待始终如一的干净和可靠的体验. Meet the fleet >

  • 优胜客体育不再提供免费的增高座椅. If needed, we can store your car seat for you 和 bring it to you upon your return. In the unlikely event that your booster-seat 车辆 is delayed or you prefer not to use a car/booster seat, please be aware that livery services such as FreedomCar are exempt from child seat requirements.

  • 是的, we’ll transport the occasional dog or cat (in a carrier)…和 we’re even open to a properly caged hamster or bird, 但是你要对汽车的损坏和清洁负责, 需要支付哪些费用. Additionally, we ask that you keep pets secured so as to avoid potentially distracting the driver.


呼叫 (410) 321-5600


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